Thursday, August 12, 2010

Infant Swim Resource

I was introduced to Infant Swim Resource by one of my friend, Heather, an ER doctor. It is the most amazing program in teaching children survival swimming to avoid drowning. Since I didn't grow up with a pool in my back yard much less swim in anything deeper than a "WalMart special plastic pool" for a very long time, this was a new world to me. When Mike and I decided to build a pool in our backyard since Arizona is hotter than the Devil's backyard, I felt it was time to teach the kids. Jenna started when she was 10 months and Tyler at 2. This year was their re-certifcation. I am so proud as a parent that these two are now fishes in the pool and swim better than I ever have! Check out the website because this is not something limited to AZ:



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